Baking 101 for Beginners

If you’ve clicked on this article, then you’ve already taken your first step to baking! Taking baking courses in Dubai will help you understand the nuances of starting as a baker. Especially with the baking classes in Dubai that Pursueit provides, you will be introduced to the art slowly and at your pace, so that you get the best out of it. But regardless as a beginner, there are some basics you need to know. Here are some of Pursueit’s best tips for our baking beginners!

baking classes in dubai | Pursueit

No, don’t add that extra spoon of sugar. Stick to the script!

We all think our inner genius is going to sort out any extra helpings we want to add. But don’t! Firstly, the most important thing baking courses in Dubai will teach you as a beginner is to trust the recipe. If it’s asking you to pre-heat the oven at 120 degrees, do it. If it wants you mix all the dry ingredients first, do it. If it’s asking you to sign over your life and sell your kidney, DO IT! Whatever the recipe wants, the recipe gets. These baking classes in Dubai will help you build this trust. Additionally, it might help to remember that these recipes are written because they’re tried and tested.

Know what you’re making

Secondly, having all the ingredients laid out before you can go a long way in easing your task! Baking courses in Dubai will teach you how to manage all the ingredients you need to bake something before you start – firstly, to measure and secondly to lay them out before starting. The main thing baking classes in Dubai will help you with is not going full bakerzilla in between your baking! Besides, having everything ready beforehand will calm down your nerves especially if you’re a beginner! This way, you’ll know you’re ready and your preparation is done.

Make sure you’re using the right equipment

Thirdly, invest wisely. Of course, as a beginner, you’ll be hesitant to spend a lot on buying new equipment. Baking classes in Dubai will help you with this! These baking courses in Dubai specialize in teaching beginners how to get the maximum output with minimal investment. Further, you will learn that each tool – whether a machine or a spatula – has its designated use. And when used right, they will improve and ease your baking process tenfold. For example, these baking classes in Dubai will teach you how to properly use a silicone spatula. Now, you might think it’s just a spatula, but these baking courses in Dubai will teach you how from helping you fold every inch of your batter into each other to cleaning the last bit of ganache left in your bowl, these silicone spatulas are going to be your best friends as a baker!

baking classes in dubai | Pursueit

P for perfect, P for parchment paper!

Fourthly, we’re going to talk about perfecting your work! All the baking classes in Dubai have one secret success element – parchment paper. Especially if you’re a beginner, it’s very important not to let all your efforts go to waste at the last minute by your cake or cupcake sticking to the cake pan, and for this, parchment paper will be your savior. Baking classes in Dubai will show the different qualities of parchment paper and how to use them correctly. The right baking course in Dubai will also teach you about buttering the pan and dusting it with flour. Of course, while these are tried and true, stick to them as alternatives in emergencies and not your go-to.

Don’t give up

Lastly, this is the best advice anyone can give you – don’t give up! Remember, things might go wrong, and that’s okay. Baking courses in Dubai will teach you to not just accept your mistakes, but to learn from it. Besides, just because you didn’t get it right your first time does not mean you won’t the next time. Remember, each attempt is not a failure, but just an experiment to get your next time right! Especially, these baking classes in Dubai will help you not be afraid and overcome your inhibitions. At the end of the day, your baking is yours. It will always be special.

baking classes in dubai | Pursueit


Remember, there’s no point in going to baking classes in Dubai if you’re not having fun! Baking can be fun and therapeutic if you decide to pursue it. Especially with baking classes in Dubai designed to make your learning process so much easier, you will soon fall in love with baking and not just that – you’ll soon become that friend/aunt/brother who’s waiting for an excuse to heat your oven or bake a birthday cake! Whether you go to baking courses in Dubai with your loved ones or solo, it’s going to be exciting.

To summarize, just one baking class in Dubai by Pursueit is enough to get you hooked! Additionally, all these classes are led by professionals will look after you and your progress. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, Pursueit instructors will keep you on your toes! Don’t wait anymore – head over to our website, check out the best baking courses in Dubai, take a deep breath and #GoPursueIt!

Want To Enroll – Visit us at or Contact Us +971-585787783

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